The all female Krewe of Muses started in New Orleans in 2000. The Krewe is named for the legendary daughter of Zeus in Greek Mythology. In Greek mythology, muses were patrons of the arts and sciences, as well as sources of inspiration for artists, poets, philosophers, and musicians.

The Krewe tosses one of the most coveted throws of Mardi Gras in New Orleans, handmade glitter shoes, from floats as they pass through the Uptown route.

Many members work all year creating the works of art to be tossed to lucky parade goers along the route.
The theme of the 2023 Krewe of Muses was “Muses Hersday.” Fans of the parade lined the streets dozens deep to get a glimpse of the ladies riding by and hoping to catch one of the coveted Muses shoes.

This year New Orleans legendary Irma Thomas served as the honorary Muse for the Krewe of Muses parade 2023. Irma rode in the traditional giant read shoe float at the beginning of the parade.

The Muses rubber duck and bathtub floats were featured in the parade as is tradition.

The parade featured 35 floats themed with satirical twists on children’s books. Some of the float names included: “James and the Giant Peach Daquiri, “Elon and The Terrible, Horrible, Very Bad Days,” and “Lyle, Lyle Are the Crocs Really in Style.”

One float was directed at the Mayor of New Orleans who has been accused of mis-using city funds. It was called “Oh the Places She’ll Go or Already Has Been.”

Another took on the political topic of books being banned in schools. It’s theme was “Where’s Waldo: Probably Not Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, Kansas, or Tennessee…”
Other float titles included: “The Very Hungry CouncilPillar,” “Captain Underwire,” “Where The Wild Things Are” and “The Very Little Prince” with a King Cake Theme.

Krewe of Muses is one of the biggest that occurs during Mardi Gras. Marching bands from all across the city join in the fun.
Walking krewes like the Camel Toe Steppers going the ladies and dance their way through the parade route.

One krewe even rides in motorized bathtubs drinking champagne.

Each year, in addition to their year-long philanthropic works, the Muses host a design contest for students in the area. The winner rides as a guest of the krewe and his or her design is turned into a throw cup!